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Miss Kayla

Miss Kayla is a Dance Conservatory instructor from Mankato MN and has danced with East Dance Company, Dance Conservatory, Dance Express and Minnesota State University- Mankato. She is a group lead for mindful movement. She has been a dancer for 22 years. Miss Kayla loves Modern & Contemporary dance. Miss Kayla was voted "most gooey" dancer in college. Miss Kayla has a BS in Pre Dance Movement Therapy.


Fun facts: Her favorite color is gray!

Miss Kayla loves to dance because being able to speak without words is powerful. It's rewarding to take on other's "voices" in choreography and to convey their messages for them. It's therapeutic to "feel through" emotion physically. There are so many ways to move....possibilities are endless!"

One thing she wants her students to know is that "You'll never know what amazing things you are capable of unless you try. Fail first, flourish later."

Kayla's favorite dance quote is "Dance enables you to find yourself and lose yourself at the same time." -Peter Townsend


We are so fortunate to have the talented Miss Kayla on staff at DC! We appreciate you, Miss Kayla!!

© 2023 Dance Conservatory of Southern Minnesota

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